Top 10 highlights from our week in the Galápagos Islands (in no particular order):
10 – Approachable wildlife. There are no big land predators, so the animals have no fear of humans. We could get ridiculously close without scaring the animals away.

9 – Panga rides, especially the one where we saw turtles, eagle rays, golden cow rays, flightless cormorants, blue-footed boobies, and penguins.
8 – Iguanas, iguanas and more iguanas. There were so many in places that you’d almost step on them by accident!

7 – Tortoises 100+ years old wandering through the grasses. Gotta love their old wrinkly faces!

6 – Snorkeling and seeing turtles, sharks, rays, penguins, sea lions, and huge schools of fish!

5 -Spotting turtles at sea and seeing how they “do it” in the middle of the ocean (contact me for details )
4 – Hot chocolate and warm towels after early morning snorkeling in cold water.
3 – Sea lion interactions…. Snorkeling with them, getting sniffed by a curious pup while in water a foot deep, and sitting with a baby who ultimately got close enough to sniff my father in laws hat!

2 – Our amazing guide, Rafa, whose passion and enthusiasm for guiding made his talks engaging for us all. Not to mention he had the best laugh I’ve ever heard.
1 – Time with family. That’s what these trips are all about and the time spent together was truly special. It was especially nice to be unplugged for four days! Kevin’s cousin and his two teens joined and the kids had a blast together. We are so fortunate that everyone gets along!
Enjoy my Galápagos travel video!