Showing: 1 - 3 of 3 RESULTS

Otavalo, Ecuador

Jose Cotocachi got tears in his eyes when I showed him the three textiles of his that hang in a prominent place upstairs in our house. He said he was emotional because he hasn’t done some of the designs I have in a long time but was so happy to see his work displayed in …

Cuenca, Alausi, and Riobamba, Ecuador

Llamas, and Guinea pigs, and lambs, oh my! We started yesterday with an early departure from Cuenca via the Pan-American highway, which runs from Patagonia, in Argentina, all the way up to Alaska! The countryside is beautiful with bright green fields, snow-capped mountains, and very simple dwellings. Over thirty percent of the population here are …

Quito, Ecuador

Original time of departure: 7:35pm. Delayed. New time of departure: 8:30pm. Then 9pm. Board. Taxi. Stop for half an hour. Problem with the engine. Try to resolve THAT for a half hour. Go back to the gate to get mechanic……another hour…it’s now past 11pm. They can’t figure out the problem. Flight rescheduled for the next …